+ 91 9607459907 daasopharma@gmail.com


First Brand in India With High Strength L Carnosine in 200 ml Pack
  • Autism
  • ADHD
  • Dyslexia
  • Epilepsy
  • Paediatric Sleep Disorder


Recent research in field of neurology proves strong evidence about potential effects of L-Carnosine on brain-related disorders through their anti – oxidative, anti-inflammatory, chelating, anti-apoptotic and anti-glycating properties. Supplementation with L-Carnosine in standard does (400-800 mg/day) shows significant congnitive improvement in patients with Autism, psychosocial delay, speech delay, ADHD, congnitive impairment, epilepsy, dementia, schizophrenia, OCD and many other neurological disorders. GLOCARNO is high strength and purest form of L-Carnosone for true congnitive health of your child
Smart Choice for Cognitive Helth of Your Patients

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